Electronic Waste Rising Five Times Faster

4 million tonnes (22.3%): estimated mass of e-waste trashed, mostly landfilled, in 2022

31 million tonnes: estimated weight of metals embedded in e-waste in 2022, along with 17 million tonnes of plastics and 14 million tonnes of other materials (minerals, glass, composite materials, etc.)

US $91 billion: The value of metals embedded in 2022 e-waste, including US $19 billion in copper, US $15 billion in gold, and US $16 billion in iron.

US $28 billion: value of secondary raw materials (mostly iron) reclaimed by “urban mining” of e-waste in 2022

900 million tonnes: Primary ore extraction avoided by reclaiming materials through documented e-waste recycling

93 million tonnes: CO2-equivalent emissions avoided by formal e-waste management – recaptured refrigerants (41 million tonnes), avoided metals mining (52 million tonnes) 

The fishing industry also has devastating effects on our planet.





Commercial fishing is cruelty to animals on a colossal scale, killing nearly a trillion animals worldwide every year. Ships the size of football fields use techniques such as longlining and gill nets.


In longlining, ships unreel up to 50 miles of line, each with hundreds of thousands of baited hooks. Gill nets, which range from 300 feet to seven miles in length, create large walls of nets that fish are unable to see. They inadvertently swim into them and many will suffocate or bleed to death.

Chickens are arguably the most abused animals on the planet

It’s estimated that there are more than 50 billion chickens raised for meat in the world each year.


That works out to about 136 million chickens killed each day worldwide.


Approximately 8 billion chickens are eaten in the US every year.


In other words, American consumers eat over 21.9M chickens a day! This number may take some readers by surprise.

Giving birds a helping hand this Uttarayan

Don’t use strong glass coated manja.


Avoid flying kites in the morning from 6 am to 9 am and evening from 4 pm to 7 pm as this is the time birds fly out and fly back home.


Chinese lanterns are banned and even if you find them somewhere or have some left from last year, avoid them. The falling flame

causes damage to humans, animals and birds alike.

Eggs are for breeding!

Eggs are for breeding! Nature made them to eat! The ill-effects that man is suffering by going against nature, will come to the fore after eating eggs.
Kindly forward this to as many people as possible. Thanks

The Elastic Cut Campaign has started.

Before throwing away the masks, please cut the elastic to dispose them off properly. The reason is that both marine and terrestrial fauna are affected. Birds have also been seen with masks tangled in their wings.
Kindly take care! Let us respect our cohabitants on this planet.
Kindly forward this to as many people as possible. Thanks