Peta, an organization working for animals around the world, has demanded that the Indian government immediately shut down the illegal meat market following the corona virus. At the same time, he feared that a new epidemic could break out in India if the illegal meat market is not shut down.
Shut down the ongoing illegal meat market in the country
PETA released a video of the ongoing meat market in India, saying, “This illegal meat operation in the country should be stopped.” PETA said that such meat markets are operating in different states of the country. Dogs are being slaughtered and their meat is being sold in direct violation of the Wildlife Prevention Act 1972, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 and The Food Safety and Standards Act 2006.
Many diseases have spread from the meat market in China as well
“Such markets are booming in Delhi, West Bengal, Nagaland and Manipur,” Peta said. The Corona virus epidemic is spreading rapidly at the moment. Kovid-19 was transmitted to humans from a meat market in the Chinese city of Wuhan. How many diseases have spread in China due to pigs and other organisms besides Covid-19?
The new virus could spread from any meat market in India
Sub-India Wager Outreach Coordinator Dr. Kiran Ahuja Bharat said that if this kind of filthy meat market continues, a new virus could spread from this market. Diseases such as swine flu, bird flu, SARS and now corona have spread from the wildlife market in China. Because of all this, man eventually gets into trouble. Therefore, this market should be closed with immediate effect and killing of animals should be stopped.
Peta wrote a letter to this department of the government
Peta has written a letter to the Union Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries Department of the Government of India appealing to stop illegal meat. It may be mentioned that recently the government in Nagaland has decided to ban commercial import and trade of dogs. Now the dog market as well as the sale of their meat (raw or cooked) has been banned.