The whole Bible clearly presents non-violence as God’s dream for humanity. Non-Violence is the Teaching and Life of Jesus.
Jesus called his disciples to love their enemies, to be abundantly merciful, to repent and forgive, and to offer no violent resistance to those who do evil. Jesus’ nonviolence is the power of love in action for the well-being of all. 
Imagine nurturing a new identity as nonviolent people in a nonviolent church with a clear and deliberate commitment to preaching, teaching, activating, and boldly proclaiming Jesus’ nonviolence at every level. We must return good for evil, break the chains of escalatory violence and revenge, stand up to systemic injustice not with violence but with determined love, and fully trust the God of love and truth rather than the power of violence. And if the theology and spirituality of gospel nonviolence were more deliberately integrated into the life of the church, we would more clearly recognize the sacred way and work of peace, reconciliation, and nonviolent transformation in our time of monumental crisis and opportunity.

An ethic of non-violence is actually explicit in the teachings of Jesus and is affirmed in the rest of the New Testament. It is a distinctive mark of the New Covenant; God’s people are to be known as peacemakers. Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God, and his is a kingdom of peace.

What Scriptures Speak

The apostle Paul wrote that Christians are to do whatever possible to “live peaceably with all living beings”
Romans 12:18
“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
Matthew 5:38-39, ESV
There was perfect peace between the man and the woman, between them and nature, and above all, between them and their creator. However, when sin entered the world, it brought with it violence and death
Rom 5:12
Many scriptures support the basic truth that Christians are to “pursue peace with all people”
Hebrews 12:14; see also 2 Corinthians 13:11; Galatians 5:22; James 3:17
Christ came to make peace between God and man. As we follow Christ, we are called to be peacemakers ourselves by the power of the Spirit
cf. Matt 5:9; 2 Cor 5:18-19
Murder followed (Gen 4:1-16) and soon the whole world became “full of violence” (Gen 6:11), a pattern that continues today.
Gen 4:1-16 || Gen 4:1-16
We are called to be peacemakers (Matt 5:9), to overcome anger and violence (Matt 5:21-22), to love even our enemies (Matt 5:43-48) and to be forgiving (Matt 6:12).
Rom 5:12

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