Event Details
Conference Organizers JAINA
JAINA is the Federation of Jain Associations in North America, an Umbrella organization of 71 Jain centers throughout North America (USA & Canada). The organization was inspired by Gurudev Shri Chitrabhanuji and Acharya Shri Sushil Muniji and formed in 1981. The main objective of JAINA is to promote religious and educational activities related to Jain Dharma and to promote study and understanding of Jain religion on a non-sectarian basis.World Jain Confederation (WJC)
The World Jain Confederation (WJC) is a premier Jain Institution promoted to adopt the basic tenets of Jain Philosophy - AHIMSA, ANEKANT and APARIGRAHA, as a way of life for sustaining world peace and for conserving environmental resource base. It was launched in Mumbai by the then Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpai in 2001, the year of 2600th Bhagwan Mahavir Janam Kalyanak Mahotsava. Eminent international jurist, great philospher and Ex-High Commissioner to UK Late Dr. L. M. Singhvi and Late Shri Pratap Bhogilal provided the first Executive Commitee as President and Chairman respectively. Shrut.Event Mission
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