
“Get Inspired through Spirituality & Scriptuality”

Ahimsa is certainly not cowardice; it is wisdom. And wisdom is the cumulative knowledge of the existing divine laws of reincarnation, karma, dharma, the all-pervasiveness and sacredness of things, blended within our soul.

In Sanskrit himsa is doing harm or causing injury. The “a” placed before the word negates it. Very simply, ahimsa is abstaining from causing hurt or harm. It is gentleness and noninjury, whether physical, mental or emotional. It is good to know that nonviolence speaks only to the most extreme forms of wrongdoing, while ahimsa (which includes not killing) goes much deeper to prohibit the subtle abuse and the simple hurt.

Hindus oppose killing for several reasons. Belief in karma and reincarnation are strong forces at work in the Hindu


A study of the Quran and Sunnah (sayings and deeds of the Prophet) tells us that Islam is a religion which


The whole Bible clearly presents non-violence as God’s dream for humanity. Non-Violence is the Teaching


A person who kills non-violent animals for his own Happiness does not get happiness in this life, not even in the next life.


A study of the Quran and Sunnah (sayings and deeds of the Prophet) tells us that Islam is a religion which


Violence is mainly caused when the Jiv (creature) comes under the influence of one of the 5 vices – Lobh (greed), Kaam