Category Archives for Health Impact en

Meat Bad for You and Environment

Meat Bad for You and Environment

People who consumed the least amount of red and processed meat products had reduced risk for heart disease, diabetes, and colorectal cancer, compared with those who consumed the most, according to a new study in…
When ‘veg’ is ‘non-veg’: what Delhi High Court said

When ‘veg’ is ‘non-veg’: what Delhi High Court said

Delhi High Court has directed the food safety regulator to ensure that food business operators make full disclosures on all that goes into any food article. Who went to court, and why? What is the…
People with high blood pressure should not eat non-vegetarian food

People with high blood pressure should not eat non-vegetarian food

Diet can hugely affect your pulse. Pungent and sweet food sources, and food varieties high in soaked fats, can build circulatory strain. Keeping away from them can assist you with getting and keeping up solid…
Why are vegetarians healthier than non-vegetarians?

Why are vegetarians healthier than non-vegetarians?

That look of frustration on the face of a non-vegetarian when the buffet missed out chicken merits taking note. Individuals who are non-vegetarian imagine that a veggie lover diet is totally exhausting. Be that as…
Why Vegetarianism? Part – II

Why Vegetarianism? Part – II

By: Mrs. Sadhu Mukundcharandas   Part – II   In the last issue, we saw the process of meat production and the associated diseases to a meat diet.  One consequence of a high meat diet with its high…